We had an amazing trip to Raleigh for the Eucharistic Congress. We participated in adoration and Mass with 5,000 other Catholics in our Diocese! What a blessing! The Bishop has encouraged us to spend time with Jesus in the Eucharist, so join us for Adoration on Wednesday at 5:00pm!
This weekend Fr. Ian VanHeusen came and co-hosted our Life in Christ retreat. We had a blast getting to know the students from Campbell and sharing our faith together. There was delicious food, tons of laughter and a real encounter with Jesus. Please keep us in your prayers as start to live out the call to “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you” (MT 28:19-20)
Our next big event is Thanksgiving Dinner after Sunday Mass on Nov. 19th!!! If you want to help cook, serve, or decorate, please talk to Angelica to sign up. It is going to be delicious and tons of fun!
We are also having a 21+ Trivia night at Flying Machine Brewery on Nov. 14th. Come and enjoy a locally brewed beer and help CCM take home the victory at Trivia!